We hereby invite the researchers/researcher candidates, faculty members, students and whoever has intention and expertise on Post, Informatics and Broadcasting to submit scientific papers to be published in Jurnal Penelitian Pos & Informatika.  Submitted papers should follow Authors guidelines.

Scientific works/Manuscripts that can be published in Jurnal Penelitian Pos & Informatika are in the form of academic papers, research reports, surveys, and degree theses/dissertations, analysis of secondary data, thoughts,  theoretical/conceptual reviews preferably written in English, in the field of:

  • Post: including Analysis of Post Services, Policy of Post, Regulation of Post, Services, Analysis of Structural Post, Post Theory, Analysis of Logistic Services, Policy of Logistic, Regulation of Logistics Services, Logistics Theory
  • Informatics: including Analysis & Design of Information System, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Mining, Cloud & Grid Computing, Decision Support System, DNA Computing, E-Government, E-Business, E-Learning, Embedded System, Enterprise System, Human Computer Interaction, Image Processing & Computer Vision, Informatics Theory, Information System, IT for Education/Industry or Chemical Mobile Computing & Applications, Natural Language Processing, Network & Data Communications, Open Source System, Semantic Web, Social Networking & Application, Soft Computing, Software Engineering, Software Entrepreneurship, Web Engineering, Wireless Communication.
  • Broadcasting: including Regulation of Broadcast, The role of Stakeholder, Quality Comparison.

We receive submissions all year round, published in September and Desember every year