Information Technology Strategic Plan Using Ward and Peppard Method (Case Study of the Diploma Program of IPB University)

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Ringga Gilang Baskoro


Vocational college Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) have utilized information technology (IT) to support business process. The problem is that existing information technology has not been effective in supporting the main business process. Data processing and information systems become one of the things that need to be improved. To apply information technology to align with the needs of business processes required a plan to minimize the occurrence of failure in the implementation phase. As the guidance and direction of IT Operation in each organization, IT Strategic Plan plays the very important role in organization. Many IT projects fail since there was no adequate IT planning.  The stages of IS strategy formulation are performed based on Ward & Peppard framework. IS and IT strategic plan formulated in this study consist of some components such: application portfolio, IT management and architecture recommendation in Vocational college Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). This study results of IT strategic plan formulation for Vocational College Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

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