Implementation of Scrum Work Framework in the Development of Quality Assurance Information System

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Mercurius Broto Legowo
Budi Indiarto
Deden Prayitno


Quality Assurance Information System Development is required to accellerate accreditation achievement. This Information System application is an integrated model of quality assurance information systems based on the integration of BAN-PT accreditation and ISO 9001: 2008. The purpose of this research is to develop a quality assurance information system by implementing the Scrum Framework. Scrum is one of the popular frameworks in Agile Development Methodology. In this way, the development of productivity increases significantly. In this Applied Research the Action Research approach is used. This Multi-Year Applied Research is the final research of previous studies. The results of this study presented the quality assurance information system that was produced using the complete Scrum framework. This information system is expected to contribute significantly to ISO-certified higher education in increasing the BAN-PT Accreditation assessment for their study programs.

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Author Biography

Mercurius Broto Legowo, Perbanas Institute Jakarta

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi


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