Design and Development Archipelago Architecture Learning Media using Qr Code Technology
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In this digital era, almost all aspects of human life depend on technology, education, business, government, and even daily life. Along with the increasing advances in computer technology used for human interest, the science that supports it also develops, one of which is the field of Human and Computer Interaction often called HCI. Input-related methods are essential to consider in HCI; one example of input is Quick Response Code (QR-Code) technology. QR-Code technology has been widely applied in teaching and learning, such as attendance models and foreign language learning media. In this research, we also use QR-code technology to introduce the culture of the architecture, especially about traditional houses in Indonesia combined with motor training through coloring activities. It is hoped that children will have no problem writing as they get older and help develop creativity. The method used in this research is the Human and Computer Interaction (HCI) test method focused on the design of the user's system so the implementation of the system can be carried out efficiently by taking into user needs. Based on research that has been done, QR-Code technology can be used to support learning media.
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