A Study on the Potential of the Development of Software Applications and Digital Content Industrial Ecosystem in Indonesia

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Ahmad Budi Setiawan


The phenomenon of digitization has changed human civilization at a very massive level in various aspects of life. In line with the advancement of ICT, so have the development of innovation and the software and digital content industry. Competition in the software industry is starting to develop. The ability to increase the company's production is starting to show significant changes. Industry competition in the globalization process requires existing companies to be able to develop industrial capabilities with all industrial models and policies. The role of government is still an important factor in creating an environment in which the domestic telematics industry can gain a competitive advantage. This study aims to map the potential of the digital content and software application industry in Indonesia. This study was conducted qualitatively through literature studies. The output of this study produces a mapping of the potential for the software and digital content industry in Indonesia. The results of this study can support recommendations for policies related to the development of the software application industry and digital content in Indonesia

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