Cluster Analysis for Learning Style of Vocational High School Student Using K-Means and FUZZY C-MEANS (FCM)

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Shinta Palupi
Siti Qomariah


The inability of students to absorb the various knowledge conveyed by the teacher is not due to the inability of his understanding and not because the teacher is not able to teach, but rather due to the incompatibility of learning styles (learning style) between students and teachers, so that students feel uncomfortable learning to certain teachers, it occurred also in SMKN 2 Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), research to analyze cluster (group) type of student learning by applying data mining method that is K-means and Fuzzy C-means (FCM). The goal to be achieved is to know the effectiveness of this type of learning clustering on the development of absorptive capacity and improvement of student achievement. In this research, the method used to cluster the learning type with data mining process starting from data cleaning, data selection, data transformation, data mining, pattern evolution, and knowledge (knowledge).

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