Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Presensi Siswa Berbasis Andriod pada SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung

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Aphry aprizal


Behavior skipped school on teenagers today can be grouped into several factors such as personal or students themselves are associated with loss of academic interest of students, the conditions to miss class, or because of juvenile delinquency, while also family factors that play a role in the effect of these include lack of participation parents / guardians in the education of the child, absences manual currently implemented using the mail so it took a prescribed period of school in order to know the status of their children, therefore the purpose of the application of the system presence of students based on android is the observation of the parents / guardians on their children periodic dependent classes, based on the problems faced by the school aimed to design a mobile application and website. The method used is the design of data collection directly to the activities and get the data from the school authorities using a data storage device. This application using GPRS / HSDPA or WiFi as connectivity, the media, this application can be used by teachers and parents / guardians of the students and is able to provide information on the presence status of students for parents / guardians of students online.

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Author Biography

Aphry aprizal, STMIK Dipanegara Makassar

Sistem Informasi


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